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Planning Board Minutes 04/03/2014
April 3, 2014
Public Hearing – Scenic Roads
Members & Staff Present:        Diane Chauncey (Secretary)     Chris Condon (Chair)
Michael Frosch (Member) Jesse Lazar (Chair)                       Steve MacDonald (Member)    Janet McEwen (Member)       Gordon Webber (Ex-officio)    Bob Holmes ( Alternate)  Jeanne Cahoon (Alternate)     Carol Ogilvie (Consultant Planner)
Sarah VanderWende (Member)   
Members absent: Jesse Lazar     Peter Moore   
Public Attendees:       Ron Haggett   Chris Wellington  Clark Craig III   Elsa Voelcker

7:00PM Public Meeting:

Chair Condon opened the meeting at 7PM and appointed Mr. Holmes to sit for the absent Vice-Chair Lazar.

Public Hearing:
The hearing is at the request of Clark Craig III, Road Agent for the Town of Antrim to trim and remove trees and brush in order to maintain a town road. The trees are located on the entire length of Smith Road.

Chair Condon asked for the Public Notice to be read. The notice was read aloud. Chair Condon asked Mr. Craig to present his request.

Mr. Craig stated that Smith Road was to be rebuilt this year and that the brush and some small trees (all under 5”) would be cut and trimmed. He stated that the road crew felt that it was particularly important to cut the canopy that shaded the roads, as well as the scrub brush within the right of way.

Chair Condon thanked Mr. Craig and asked for questions form the Board. The Board asked multiple questions, which Mr. Craig answered to the satisfaction of the Board.

With no further questions, Chair Condon closed the Public Hearing.

Motion:  Ms. VanderWende moved to approve the request of Mr. Craig for trimming and removing trees along Smith Road; Ms. McEwen seconded the motion.

Roll call vote:  McEwen, yes; VanderWende, yes; Condon, yes; MacDonald, yes, Frosch, yes, Webber, yes; Holmes, yes. All were in favor of the motion.

The motion passed for the Highway Department to trim and remove trees and brush along Smith Road in the right of way.

Chair Condon asked if there would be any objections to changing the agenda in order for Mr. Wellington to present his information on an Economic Revitalization Zone (ERZ) within the Town of Antrim. The Board was in agreement.

NH Economic Revitalization Zone (ERZ) Tax Credits – Mr. Chris Wellington (DRED ) – Maineline Graphics has initiated this request

Mr. Wellington thanked the Board for their time. He stated that he was the DRED  representative for the western portion of the state. He had a handout (PowerPoint – 6 pages of information) for the Board members which he then reviewed with the Board.

An Economic Revitalization Zone is:
  • A tax incentive for a business
  • No cost to the municipality
  • Net gain – improved property
  • A town needs to apply
  • Any business within the zone could apply
  • One year to make improvements and receive ERZ tax credits
  • Could be one property or an industrial park
  • Other zones could apply
  • Mainly tied to job creation
  • No cost to the municipality
  • Any business within the zone could apply
  • Can be one property or an industrial park
  • Frameworks – possible ERZ
  • If create jobs and do capital expenses – easy to apply
  • Taken out of business profit tax
Following Mr. Wellington’s presentation, there were numerous questions from the Board. Ms. Ogilvie commented positively on Peterborough properties which were ERZ locations.

Chair Condon thanked Mr. Wellington for his presentation. Mr. Wellington stated that he would contact Ms. Chauncey with further information.

PB Recommendation on sale of Town lands – the selectmen are considering selling the listed parcels of Town owned land. In accordance with RSA 41:14a, the Selectmen would like the Planning Board to review and make a recommendation on the potential sale of these properties – Report from Sub-Committee (Ms. McEwen, Ms. VanderWende, Mr. Holmes)

The subcommittee had been tasked with the job of developing a process for the Planning Board to evaluate and to make their recommendation on Town parcels of land proposed for sale. There was a handout which the Board reviewed.
After a lengthy discussion, the Board developed a set of criteria that they all felt they could work with. Criteria:
  • Prior to the parcels being submitted to the Planning Board for consideration, the Board of Selectmen do all the research (deeds, ROWS, easements, how they were obtained, promise of intended uses of  gifted parcels) to determine if a parcel is actually saleable.
  • Recommendation from the Conservation Commission – but if no recommendation has been submitted – move on
  • Is the sale of this property in line with th4 Master Plan or can retaining this property for future use, meet a need in the Master Plan?
  • A site walk may be necessary
Chair Condon will revise the above as needed.

The Board reviewed the following parcels for recommendation to the Board of Selectmen:

101-046   Gregg Lake Rd (Old Town Beach) – Lake Front Residential

Board concerns: liability, tax benefits
Ms. VanderWende stated that the TOA (Town of Antrim) should retain 101-046.

Motion: Mr. MacDonald moved to recommend the sale of 101-046; Mr. Frosch seconded.

Roll call vote:  McEwen, yes; VanderWende, no; Condon, yes; MacDonald, yes, Frosch, yes, Webber, yes; Holmes, yes

The motion passed to recommend the sale of 101-046. (6 yes, 1 no)

213-017-197 Keene Rd – Highway Business District
Mr. Webber stated that an abutter of this parcel had approached the Town of Antrim with a request to purchase the parcel. This request had initiated the possible sale of the parcel.

Ms. VanderWende asked if there was a marker in the commentary to the Board of Selectmen to make a commentary in which she would have stated …

Motion:  Mr. Holmes moved to recommend the sale of 213-017; Ms. VanderWende seconded.

Roll call vote:  McEwen, yes; VanderWende, yes; Condon, yes; MacDonald, yes, Frosch, yes, Webber, yes; Holmes, yes.

The motion passed unanimously to recommend the sale of Map 213 Lot 17.

219-010 Between Elm Ave, Bridle Rd & Smith Rd

The Board was hesitant because the information appeared to state that the Boy Scouts of America had an” intended” ownership to the parcel.

Motion: Ms. McEwen moved to table the recommendation of 219-010; Ms. VanderWende seconded.

Roll Call Vote: McEwen, yes; VanderWende, yes; Condon, no MacDonald, no; Frosch, no; Webber, no; Holmes, yes.

The motion was defeated – 4 no’s; 3 yeses.

The discussion continued.

Motion:  To table the request to recommend the sale of 219-010 was made by Mr. Holmes; seconded by Mr. Webber.

Roll Call Vote:  McEwen, yes; VanderWende, yes; Condon, yes; MacDonald, yes; Frosch, yes;, Webber, yes; Holmes, yes.

The motion passed unanimously to table the recommendation of this 219-010.

234-004   Gregg Lake Rd (old mill dam) – Rural Conservation District
The sale of 234-004 had been initiated by an abutter request.
Ms. VanderWende stated that the Town should retain ownership of the parcel because of possible hydro power possibilities.

Motion: Ms. VanderWende moved to not recommend the sale of 234-004. There was no second.

Motion: Mr. Frosch moved to recommend the sale of the parcel 234-004; Mr. Webber seconded the motion.

Roll call vote:  McEwen, yes; VanderWende, no; Condon, yes; MacDonald, yes, Frosch, yes, Webber, yes; Holmes, yes

The motion passed to recommend the sale of Map 234 Lot 4. (6 yes, 1 no)

235-011 Craig Rd – Rural Conservation District

Motion:   Ms. VanderWende moved to recommend the sale of 235-011; Ms. McEwen seconded.

Roll call vote:  McEwen, no; VanderWende, no; Condon, yes; MacDonald, yes, Frosch, yes, Webber, yes; Holmes, yes

The motion passed to recommend the sale of 235-011 (5 yes, 2 no)

Business Meeting:
Approve – March 20, 2014 minutes
Ms. VanderWende moved to accept the minutes; Mr. Webber seconded.
After a short discussion which included some amendments to the minutes, Mr. Webber moved to approve the minutes as amended. Mr. MacDonald seconded. The Board voted unanimously to approve the minutes as amended.

Workshops & Trainings:
20th Annual Spring Planning & Zoning Conference – Saturday, May 3 – Registration details soon- FYI
2014 NHDES Drinking Water Source Protection Conference – April 30 - FYI

Other Business:
Mr. Holmes stated that he would like to review the Planning Board By-laws at the next PB meeting.  He had a handout with a portion of the By-laws that he thought should be reviewed – all members received that information.

Ms. VanderWende moved to adjourn the meeting. Ms. McEwen seconded. All agreed to adjourn the meeting.

Respectively submitted,
Diane Chauncey, Secretary for the Land Use Boards.